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Graduates with an Economics degree will find employment within the many departments of provincial and federal governments, crown corporations, the business sector, especially within the financial services sector, and in many other private sector endeavours where critical thinking in terms of costs and benefits is required.

Students graduating with a Minor or Major in Economics may combine that with a Minor or a Major from another discipline. Many combinations are possible, but the disciplines that best serve to complement Economics include Political Science, Business, Geography, Mathematics, and Global Studies. In an increasingly globalized working environment, a combination of Economics and Global Studies becomes an enviable option.

A bachelor’s degree in Economics carries with it a substantial salary premium, as the median salary for those with a bachelor’s degree in Economics tends to be higher than for individuals with other bachelors’ degrees. For students who wish to pursue graduate school or studies in professional fields such as law, Economics provides not only a stepping stone but also a valuable background for further studies.