Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in viu_core_init() (line 66 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/viu/viu_core/viu_core.module).

Cooperative Education

 Co-operative Education is a partnership between students, employers and the university. As an educational model, co-operative education formally integrates a student’s academic studies with paid, approved, career-related work experience in employer organizations.

We have developed successful relationships between employers and students that have been extremely rewarding for both. These Co-operative Education partners conduct annual on-campus presentations and interviews so that our students have plenty of opportunities to meet and network with industry professionals with minimal travel and inconvenience.

Student Benefits

  • accessing a well-rounded education, enriched by practical application of classroom learning
  • opportunities to gain relevant employment skills and realistic expectations of the work force before graduation
  • opportunities to test and gain broader understanding of career options, often in a variety of employment settings
  • documented practical experience, a résumé, job search skills and a network of contacts upon graduation
  • financial remuneration which help to defray educational costs

Institutional Benefits

  • increased enrollment as co-op programs attract top quality, superior, well-motivated students
  • co-op students who enrich the general educational community of the campus upon returning from work terms
  • well-qualified graduates who are prepared to assume a productive role in society
  • feedback from employers on the quality and relevance of program curriculum
  • information on current research and development in employer sectors, with opportunities for collaborative projects

Employer Benefits

  • employers enjoy access to a supply of highly motivated and capable students to perform specific tasks or projects
  • employers can select from a group of applicants who have already met above average academic requirements and have completed some post-secondary training as well as some preparation for operating effectively in the workplace
  • reduced recruitment and hiring costs
  • employers have a cost-effective means of evaluating future employees – an extended interview
  • employers can meet short-term needs due to vacation schedules, transfers, promotions, training commitments
  • co-op students bring enthusiasm and a host of new ideas and approaches which can have a positive effect in the workplace