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Daniel Simons


BA - Honours (University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana)
MA - Economics (York University, Canada)
PhD - Economics (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Teaching areas: Economics, Quantitative Methods, Finance
Research Interest: Applied Econometrics, Trade and Tariffs, Economic Development

Professional Experiences

Academic Experience

University Professor
Vancouver Island University, Canada

College Instructor
Columbia College

Teaching Assistant
York University, Canada

Teaching Assistant
Simon Fraser University

Recent Scholarly Activities

Simons D. and R. Jean Louis (2007): Is there a North American Business Cycle? Analysis for 1963-2002; Journal of Applied Econometrics and International Development, Volume 7-2. (July 2007)

Simons, D. and S. Laryea (2006): Testing the Efficiency of Selected African Markets; Finance India, Volume XX, No. 2, pp 553-571. (June 2006)

Jean Louis, R. and Simons D: "Do Countries of the Same Degree of Economic Development Share the Same Business Cycle?" Submitted to the Journal of Economic Policy. (March 2007)

Simons, D: Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The case of Sub-Saharan Africa revised and re-submitted to the Journal of Economic Development and Area Studies. (January 2007)

Conference Proceedings

"Do Countries of the Same Development Degree Move on the Same Wavelength?" (with R. Jean Louis) presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association, Montreal, Quebec. (May 2006)

"Does a North American Business Cycle Really Exist?" (with R. Jean Louis) presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association, Hamilton, Ontario. (May 2005)

"Are there any Profitability Rules in African Markets?" (with S. Laryea) presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association, Toronto, Ontario. (June 2004)

Simons D: "Asset Pricing Models; an Analysis of the Ghana Stock Exchange" Cornell University/ISSER economic conference on the Ghanaian Economy. (2004)

"Using a Simple Model to Explain Ghanaian Monetary Policy" (with J. Mensah and B. Mamadu) presented at the Allied Social Science Associations Meeting, Washington, DC. (2003)

Working Papers

Towards Understanding Labour Market Discrimination in Canadian Society - the Employment Equity Act.
Measuring the Output Gap in Selected Developing Countries.
Using the VAR Model to Forecast Canadian Inflation.
Canadian Employment Equity: How Far Are We?
Is the P-star Model the Best Forecasting Tool for Inflation?

Book Reviews

Robin Bade, Michael Parkin, and /Brian Lyons “Foundations of Microeconomics” 2nd Canadian Edition. Pearson Education Canada

Miller/Abbott/Fefferman/Kessler/Sulyma: “Economics Today: The Micro View” 3rd Edition. Pearson Education Canada

Professional Memberships

Member, Canadian Economics Association
Member, American Economics Association
Member, African Economics Association
Member, Econometric Society
Member, Royal Society of Statisticians