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Welcome from the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, Faculty of Management

Welcome to the MBA/MScIM program at Vancouver Island University.  The dual degree program was approved by the Degree Quality Assessment Board of the Province of British Columbia.  The VIU School of Business is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business School Programs (ACBSP) which “is the leading specialized accrediting agency for business education supporting, celebrating, and rewarding teaching excellence”.  We take quality seriously and are confident that you will find your experience challenging but very rewarding.  You will be studying together with students from around the world who will introduce you to new perspectives on thinking about business and life. You will be doing this in the lovely setting of Vancouver Island University and the city of Nanaimo. Make sure that you make some time to explore Nanaimo and Vancouver Island.

Your professors will challenge you to learn about global business issues, business techniques and skills, to improve your personal skills and tools and to learn about managing and leading in the 21st Century.  Your success in the program depends on your ability to focus on the tasks at hand and to work hard on improving any areas of weakness.  However, you are not alone in this journey; the faculty and staff members of the MBA/MScIM program are here to help you progress to a higher level and to start you on the career path that you desire.  Make sure that you take advantage of learning from the feedback that your professors provide and use it to do better in the next assignment or in your career.  Aim to be the best that you can possibly be and you will not be disappointed; you will learn more and be better prepared for your next challenge.

We wish you the best in the program and trust that each of you has a rewarding time completing your MBA/MScIM.  All of the faculty and staff are looking forward to getting to know you over the next year. I personally look forward to meeting you all and helping you on your journey.