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Hospitality Management Diploma

A unique, co-operative education learning environment is the hallmark of this two-year diploma program. It is designed to prepare students for middle management positions within the hospitality industry.

Coursework offers students the opportunity to examine management from behavioral, functional, situational and systems perspectives. We have three on-site management labs where students are encouraged to explore and develop their individual leadership styles. Students study the important marketing-management relationship in detail.

As a student in the program, with a minimum GPA of 2.33, you will also have the Coop Education advantage. This program contains two Co-op semesters allowing students two four-month co-operative education work terms of paid, hospitality-related employment, which will be counted as credit. Classroom instruction is augmented with actual experience in the industry. This format permits students to experience a variety of career opportunities in the hospitality industry. In this way you will be able to gain valuable practical experience relating to your studies, while financing a large portion of your education.