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BBA Marketing Major

The Marketing major is a popular specialization offered through the Bachelor of Business Administration program. A major in marketing will prepare students for a rewarding career.

Why Marketing?

People who work in marketing are leaders. They are leaders in helping to shape organizations' strategies and they are leaders in communication. As a result, marketing is a very diverse field and it is constantly changing, offering exciting new challenges and opportunities. VIU's marketing faculty aim to help students discover what aspects of their marketing studies will help them to best achieve their career goals. The department's courses and faculty are well suited towards shaping students' success in general marketing, product and business development, creativity and entrepreneurship, international marketing, advertising and marketing communication, price/channel marketing, and digital marketing. For students interested in any of these streams of study, faculty are happy to recommend electives that will best help them to meet their goals.

Career Opportunities

Marketing graduates find great career opportunities! A career in marketing can take you anywhere and offer you work on any scale. Past graduates of VIU's Marketing program can be found working internationally, nationally, and locally. They are working in fields as diverse as brand management, consulting, sales management, retail management, tourism, entrepreneurship, advertising, website planning, internet advertising, virtual community management, social media management, and government.


For more information, contact the Marketing Chair, Jennifer Ford, at Jennifer.Ford@viu.ca or the BBA Advisor.

For more information on the BBA entry requirements, or for details on the Marketing major, please see the BBA Program and Course Calendar.

Apply for the BBA program today!

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