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Declaring Majors, Minors or Programs

Declaring your Major(s) (and Minors) with your Degree Advisor is an important step in your degree planning and progression and successful completion of a program. It helps to:

  • Ensure that your student record accurately reflects your intended academic goal(s).
  • Inform your Advisor about your specific interests so you can receive information tailored to your academic objectives, including further information relating to the BBA Matrix for different Majors and Minors available, and assistance using the VIU Goal Planning System (GPS).
  • Gain access to reserved seats that have been set aside for students with specific academic goals in some courses.
  • Keep you informed (via email) about information relevant to your specific declared goals.
  • Inform instructors of the goals of students in their classes.

You are encouraged to declare your intentions regarding your program options as early as possible, once you  know which degree program options that you wish to declare.  The new process allows you to self-declare your degree program options (DPO's) in your VIU student record.  Your DPO's will not be automatically added, because the Business Programs Advisor first needs to review and approve the request.  If you have any doubt, please self-book an appointment to discuss if your intentions correspond with your eligibility.

Your Student Advisor, Sharon Kelly, would welcome the opportunity to discuss your pathway choices. You may require guidance about your degree eligibility and self-declaring, what courses you made need to graduate or even if there are courses that you could take or additional credentials you could earn in the context of your degree to enhance your employment profile.  If you have a question regarding educational issues, career planning or personal development, Sharon is here to help steer you through the process to meet your academic goals. 

Goals for BBA Majors can be declared and they will be approved once you have completed, or are enrolled in (and soon to be completing) all the first and second-year requirements for that Major. In some circumstances if you are missing one required course, depending on which course it is, you could still be approved for your chosen Major. If you have two or more required courses left to complete after this current semester, you must wait until half-way through the next semester to declare your Major, assuming you are registered for those courses in that semester.

You can access the “Choose Degree Program Options” screen by:


  1. Logging onto your student record
  2. Clicking on Academics, then Choose Degree Program Option
  3. The Choose Degree Program Options screen will appear, showing the DPOs active for your degree
  4. Choose the ones that interest you and for which you are eligible.


Please note: Once you have updated a DPO, You will NOT be able to make a change to that DPO for seven days.

Available goals

Your BBA degree will include one or more of the available Majors and possibly a Minor in the degree. You can complete a single Major, a Double-Major, a Major-Minor, or some more elaborate combination.

Note: A Minor cannot be completed on its own.  You can also indicate that you want to complete the Business Management Diploma or the Certificate in Business Management.

Program goals (majors, minor, certificate in business, business diploma)

Goals for BBA Majors can be declared or changed once you have completed or are enrolled in (and soon to be completing) all the first and second-year requirements for that Major. 

If you are interested in completing the Business Certificate or Business diploma, you can connect with the BBA Advisor even before you start your degree or right after you have started taking courses towards that credential.

You are encouraged to declare your intentions as early as possible once you know your intended degree or program plan. You can be goal coded officially once you have completed all requirements.

Students can pursue two BBA Majors. Students are responsible for meeting all requirements for both Majors.  Students are responsible for meeting all requirements for both Majors and keep Policy 97.22 in mind and this paragraph specifically:

3.1 Double Major

Credit Requirements when you declare a double Major or Major/Minor combination:

When declaring more than one major, whether it is an additional major or the addition of a minor to a major, please note the following:

Both Principal and Supplementary degree options require specified courses and a minimum number of upper-level credits. Double counting is defined as applying a course and its credits toward the requirements of two different degree options (Principal, Supplementary, or a combination thereof). While a course may be used toward the specified course requirements of multiple degree options, the credits may be applied toward one degree option only, and students will be required to complete additional coursework in the field(s) of study to satisfy the credit requirements of each degree option. 

Students may complete a second Major to achieve a Double Major. A Double Major comprises completion of all requirements of two Majors, including the total credit requirements of each Major. This option requires completion of a minimum of 60 upper-level credits specifically aligned to the two fields of study, of which a minimum of 30 credits must come from each.

Students can pursue a BBA Major and add a Minor.

Minors: The BBA has four Minors: Marketing, International Business, HR Management and Management. 

Note for Management and the HR Management Minor: A total of 18 elective credits chosen from select Management and Economics courses numbered 300-499, as listed in Year 3 and Year 4. The number of credits in each year will vary depending on the courses chosen. If a selected course is applied to any major in the Bachelor of Business Administration or other minor in the Bachelor of Business Administration, then it cannot be applied to this minor.

Note: These two minors also both require students to take MGMT 293.

Note for International Business Minor: A total of 15 credits from required courses and 6 elective credits chosen from select courses numbered 300-499, as listed in Year 3 and Year 4. The number of credits in each year will vary depending on the courses chosen. If a selected course is applied to any major in the Bachelor of Business Administration or other minor in the Bachelor of Business Administration, then it cannot be applied to this minor.

Note: Students cannot goal a Major in Marketing and add a Minor in Marketing, but they can goal code for any other BBA Minor. Students are responsible for meeting all requirements for both the Major and the Minor. 

Non BBA-Minors can also be added to a BBA Major (ie. Arts and Social Science Minors or Bachelor of Science Minors).  You would need talk to the correct Degree Advisor to add a Minor from another degree to your BBA.

When to officially declare

If you have two or more required courses left to complete after this current semester, you must wait until after the next semester to declare your Major assuming you are registered for those courses in that semester. You are welcome to sign up for a BBA Business Programs Appointment to discuss your status. If you have completed and are currently enrolled in the last few first and second year requirements for your chosen Major(s) and possibly a Minor, then you are set to declare your goals. You can declare one goal at a time too.

Completing the requirements of your declared goals

Declaring your Major requires the BBA Advisor to code a goal representing your Major into VIU's administration systems. It is not enough to create a goal in the Goal Planning System (GPS) because although using the GPS is certainly helpful for your degree planning, it's not an official declaration of your Major.  You can tell if you are "goal coded" for a Major already by looking in your Online Student Record/Academics/Educational Goals. 

What you have declared shows up as your In order to graduate with the Bachelor of Business Degree with your chosen Major(s) and possibly a Minor too, you need to complete all the requirements of your chosen and declared goals. If you have declared two goals, and you change your mind and decide you want to complete your degree with one Major instead of two or just a Major and not a Minor as well, you can always make an appointment to have two additional goals removed from your official declaration. 

Who is eligible to declare a BBA Major

  • Students must be registered as a BBA student. Students who are registered in other programs, such as the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or EXPO, cannot be declared for a BBA Major, no matter how many business courses they have taken.
  • Students must have completed all required first- and second-year courses for the BBA.
  • If students have only one required first or second-year course to complete after this semester, declaring their Major now will depend on which remaining course it is.
  • If students have two or more required first or second-year courses left to complete after the current semester, they must wait until the end of the first three weeks of the next semester to declare their Major. It will be approved if they are enrolled in the missing classes in that subsequent semester.

BBA student can add a BBA Minor when they have successfully completed (or are currently enrolled that semester) in all first and second year required courses for that Minor.

Keep in mind that BBA students, who are not yet eligible to be goal coded for a Major, can still take third and fourth-year business courses, assuming they have met the prerequisites for those courses. However, such students will not have access to the reserved seats for a Major and they are more likely to end up on waitlists.

1. Once you know the Major(s) you would like to earn, contact or meet your Undergraduate Business Programs Advisor. If you are unsure about which goal(s) might be best for you, your Advisor can help guide you through the various available options.

  • For all Business Certificate program students, contact Sharon Kelly.
  • For all Business Diploma program students, contact Sharon Kelly.
  • See the Main Page for contact and appointment booking information.

2. Your Degree Advisor will update your student record with your declared goals and set up the Goal Planning System (GPS) with your declared goals.

  • Your Degree Advisor can help answer questions about course equivalencies, transfer credits, Letters of Permission, and much more.
  • Your Degree Advisor will track waivers or exceptions that may be applicable to you in GPS and/or your student record.

3. You can contact your Degree Advisor at any time to discuss your degree progression or if you have questions about degree requirements.

Note: Your academic goals are only officially declared if you contact your Degree Advisor.

Who is eligible to declare a BBA Minor

Students who wish to add a BBA Minor to their Degree from another decanal area are eligible to do so at any time and no permissions are required.  It is helpful for students to declare their minors within the BBA as soon as possible so we can attempt to reserve seats for BA and BSCI students with BBA minors. 

Please note: each minor has first and second year courses required for them:

  •  Marketing minor students need to complete MARK 160 and MARK 260
  • Management and Human Resources Management students need MGMT 293. 

When students declare their intentions to complete these minors early on, it assists in planning to offer sufficient sections and seats for all interested students.