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Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcomes

Not discipline specific but relate to generic skills that allow for professional and personal growth outside of a formal educational setting. The BBA program will:

  1. provide students with a broad range of managerial capabilities, the capacity for critical thinking, communication and problem‐solving skills, legal and ethical behaviour;

  2. prepare graduates for diverse careers in global management, administration and entrepreneurship through a well‐rounded business education with a focus on global business operations, emerging markets and technology‐enabled organizations; and

  3. expose students to both general and specialized curriculum content through core courses, specializations and electives ‐ students are encouraged to select their electives from the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Interpersonal Competence

The knowledge, skills and attributes required to effectively manage oneself and relationships with others within organizations. Upon completion of the program, the individual should:

  1. have self-knowledge and the ability to apply this knowledge to enhance effectiveness;

  2. understand and apply communication models and effective communication skills, at the individual and group levels;

  3. understand and apply leadership skills at the individual and group levels;

  4. understand and apply team‐based knowledge and skills;

  5. understand and apply conflict management and negotiation skills required to achieve individual and institutional objectives.

Global Perspective

The knowledge, skills and attributes needed to live and work in a diverse world. Upon completion of the program, an individual should possess:

  1. the ability to identify, analyze and recommend appropriate actions given international influences, issues, and situations at the industry, business and individual levels;

  2. an understanding of multicultural business environments, protocols, ethics and management practices required within the global context;

  3. understanding of cultural knowledge including cultural self-knowledge; and

  4. ability to apply the skills of critical thinking, conflict resolution, teamwork, leadership and cross cultural communication (verbal and nonverbal).

Critical Thinking and Analytical Competence

The knowledge, skills, and attributes required to conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate information from a variety of sources, and form substantive recommendations. Upon completion of the program, the individual should possess:

  1. the capacity to analyze, evaluate and interpret data;

  2. the ability to select and/or develop appropriate decision making models and generate outcome scenarios;

  3. the skills to apply both rational and creative problem solving techniques at the individual and group levels;

  4. the ability to find, gather and source pertinent data, including the ability to discriminate between and select from various sources using the criteria of authority, currency, and fitness for purpose;

  5. the ability to recognize and appreciate arguments and logic as flawed or sound;

  6. the ability to create viable recommendations based on the analyses, and devise practical implementation strategies; and

  7. the capacity to identify the worth of one’s own experience.

Technical Competence

The knowledge, skills, and attributes required to effectively utilize common business software applications, recognize opportunities to apply technology enhancements, prepare business plans to upgrade technology, and provide leadership on technology projects. Upon completion of the program, the individual should possess:

  1. knowledge of current software, operating systems, terminology and information technology;

  2. the ability to analyze business operations to identify opportunities and develop plans to leverage digital technologies and innovation in business processes; and

  3. the ability to apply a variety of computer applications required to address business needs.

Communication Competence

The knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to convey meaning effectively using verbal, written or other means of expression. Upon completion of the program, the individual should possess:

  1. proficiency in, and appreciation of the importance of, grammar, spelling, and syntax;

  2. appreciation of and the ability to apply the appropriate choice of format and communications medium;

  3. the ability to recognize and use the linguistic register most appropriate to the audience of a communication;

  4. the ability to edit and rewrite;

  5. the ability both to introduce and to summarize;

  6. the ability to communicate orally in a variety of settings; to moderate, and to chair a discussion or meeting; and

  7. the ability to create communication that adheres to both academic and business standards.

Professional Integrity

Being honest and forthright in all of your professional dealings. It means always acting in accordance with the core values of your chosen profession. Professional integrity means always setting the highest ethical and legal standards for all of your actions. Upon completion of the program, an individual should possess:

  1. an appreciation of the diversity of behaviour in professional practice situations;

  2. knowledge of appropriate codes of ethics, standards, practices and the related consequences associated with transgressions;

  3. knowledge of, and disposition to display, social responsibilities, environmental stewardship, and corporate citizenship; and

  4. knowledge of legal issues and requirements within Canadian and international contexts.