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Student Resources

BBA Learning Outcomes

Advisor, Undergraduate Business Programs (BBA, CBM and Business Diploma) 

The BBA Advisor is available to help students plan their program of study based on the BBA Matrix.

Sharon Kelly, Building 250, Room 446, Sharon.Kelly@viu.ca. You can self-book an appointment.

Instructions on how to book an appointment with Sharon Kelly.

BBA Enhancement Initiative

BBAE 101 (one credit – no registration fee) is designed to recognize pre-BBA enrolment activity which is considered supportive of future academic, career and personal development.  It is also intended to enhance the student’s VIU experience by beginning the process of connectivity with VIU’s Faculty of Management. 

This free credit is designed to be complemented by two upper level activities (BBAE 301 and 401) tailored to the individual student’s educational goals.  Each activity is granted one credit (both at one-third the cost of a regular three credit course) if it meets the Faculty of Management’s criteria for upper level rigour and has a demonstrated link to one or more of the BBA Learning Outcomes

Both these upper level activities are to be scheduled by the student and this freedom is intended to allow the student to enhance his/her educational experience in a personally rewarding manner.

Deadline for Submission - Application for BBAE 101 Credit

Any time during the first semester on campus, but no later than one month after that first semester’s end.

Department Chairs

Department Chairs are available for students who have specific questions about one of the seven majors. 
Further, if a student is experiencing difficulties in a class, they should first discuss the problem with the faculty member and, failing resolution, they should meet with the Department Chair.

Chair of Accounting - Laurie Dean
Building 250, Room 456, Laurie.Dean@viu.ca

Contact for Economics – William Troost
Building 250, Room 469, William.Troost@viu.ca

Chair of Finance and Quantitative Methods – Charles Schell
Building 250 – Room 428, Charles.Schell@viu.ca 

Chair of Management and Law – Dr. Patricia Brown
Building 250 – Room 473, Patricia.Brown@viu.ca

Chair of Marketing – Jennifer Ford
Building 250 – Room 424, Jennifer.Ford@viu.ca

Directed Studies

For information on Directed Studies, see Frequently Asked Questions.

Education Abroad

Students who would like to spend a semester abroad studying should connect with the Education Abroad office as soon as possible to make necessary arrangements and be sure to meet with the BBA Advisor to discuss your plans and arrange an Exchange Letter of Permission.

Note: students pay VIU fees and study for a semester at an institution abroad.

Things BBA students should consider when planning to study abroad:

  • Are courses that you need to complete for your Major only offered in a particular semester? (Depending on when you plan to study abroad, how will it impact the flow of your VIU BBA Major/program goals?)
  • If you have plenty of room in your degree audit for general elective credits, you will have a lot of flexibility in what you study while abroad. This is the ideal situation. If you save your general electives and spend them in a semester abroad, this is the easiest.
  • If you have already met most of your elective credit requirements and you are relying on transfer credit from the institution abroad you want to visit in order to meet the BBA Degree requirements, you will need to find out if any courses that are offered abroad at the institution they have chosen look similar to the course content of the VIU course you need for your chosen program goals. If there appears to be a match, then we need to get a copy of the course outline for that course (before you leave) and the BBA Advisor to arrange to have it assessed for transfer credit.
  • In all cases whether it is an elective credit or required courses you have found abroad, you need to get a LOP signed by the BBA Advisor for relevant courses before you leave (you will get an “Exchange Letter of Permission”).

Learn more about Education Abroad.

Internship and Senior Project

See BBA Internships and Senior Projects.


Faculty of Management (Business) requires the APA style of referencing for academic papers. Resources for using APA are available from the VIU Writing Centre (Library, Room 474). You can find access to online student resources (including tutorials and a printable Quick Guide) at the Writing Centre.

Scholarships and Awards

See Scholarships and Awards.