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BBA Finance Major

The Finance major is offered as a specialization for the Bachelor of Business Administration program and will prepare students for a career in the Financial Services industry.

Why Finance?

In the Finance major, students will learn about the needs of business in making financial decisions, planning new capital expansion projects, investing in real estate or working with financial firms to offer employee benefit options. These skills are applicable to a variety of industries since all businesses need to make financial decisions. The curriculum will also cover areas of corporate finance, banking and insurance, investment banking and management, and international finance.

The Finance department is in process of developing a minor and an Honours BBA in Finance. Both options are expected to be offered in the near future. Additional elective courses are also in development.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the BBA Finance major are working domestically and internationally. Graduates may pursue careers as bank managers, estate brokers, investment brokers and analysts, security traders, insurance brokers, and corporate financial officers.

Additional Professional Designations

The Finance department partners with the Canadian Institute for Financial Planning for two courses that conclude with qualifying exams for Canadian Investment Funds (Mutual Funds, FNCE 344) and the Life License Qualification Program (Life Insurance, FNCE 342) which allow students to be industry qualified by the time they graduate.

Vancouver Island University's BBA Finance Major is also a recognised education provider with the Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC), the Canadian body which issues the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation.


For more information, contact Charles Schell, Finance Chair, at Charles.Schell@viu.ca or the BBA Advisor.

For more information of the BBA entry requirements, or for details on the Finance major required courses, please see the BBA Program and Course Calendar.

Apply for the BBA program today!